Tuesday 1 December 2009

The Forms & Conventions Of A Magazine

The conventions of a magazine can change depending on whether their target market is for a niche or mass audience. The mass section will contain magazines that have a large target audience. For example, a magazine like Q has a very large target audience as it focuses on a wide variety of music genres. While a niche magazine will target a small section of the public and will make a small amount of profit compared to those with a mass audience that would give the magazine a large circulation. For example, Sailing is a magazine focused on sailing so it has a very niche audience as it caters purely for their needs with a low circulation. Where as a large section of the public would not have any interest in this magazine.

Magazine front covers tend to stick with a standard layout with a large masthead along the top, with a medium long shot on the front cover showing the main pull of that particular issue. Many magazines may use this large picture and claim to have an exclusive as a way to grab the reader’s attention. The front cover will contain many different subtitles with titles of different articles inside the magazine which will also be in the contents page.
Large Title - This will draw attention to the magazine through use of bright colours and a bold font type. The title also distinguishes this magazine from others of a similar kind.
Main Image - This will be relevant to the magazine and the genre of music, is usually of a band or solo artist who is of high demand or has a large expose within their field.
Cover Lines - This is to give the reader an idea of what they can find within the magazine. Cover Lines will usually cover a wide range of subjects within the genre and be the most appealing to customers out of all the articles inside.
Main Image Cover Line - This is just a reference to the picture, will most likely be eye catching.
Date Published - This is so the readers can keep track on each issue. Making sure they do not miss one.
Institution Name - This is usually in the small print at the bottom of the cover.
Contact Details - This could be in the form of a telephone number, fax number or website.
Price - This is because magazines are profit based. Having the price on the front cover makes sense so it is easier for readers to see how much they will have to pay, this may determine what client is attracted to the magazine as some customers may have a limit as to what they spend.

Magazine contents pages tend to have a list of feature and regulars in their magazines. This may be over one or two pages as some magazines will split the sections up, in order to allow more detail in the contents and more images that are relevant to the individual articles within the magazine. Each different subtitle has a small detail of what the article is about to try entice the reader to go further, into the magazine and read about that particular article.

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