Friday 18 December 2009

Front Cover & Contents Analysis

My front page contains a clear large logo which I know is essential for a good quality magazine. This logo in my opinion can relate to school life and many students, as the title ‘Chenderit times’ captures pupils attention while its keeps them focused on the fact it is a newspaper.

My magazine front cover uses a medium close up shot of a student on the cover with relevant props to the title of this image. The text is normally placed either to one of the sides and sometimes the main image title is placed centrally so it is in line with the image so people know the two relate. This is the layout I used because my research showed many best selling magazines are similar and I wanted to make mine look and feel real in the same ways.

I think another main part of my front cover which gives the professional look of an actually magazine, is the few small images on the contents pages. This is because the audience is mainly attracted to the photography in the magazines.

I used a desk top publisher (DTP) to create all of my front cover and contents page. I found it useful to manipulate the imagery and text, especially when re-arranging the layout.

I believe I reflect the values of the target audience as I show what information that is included in the magazine, using images which are eye catching.

The main aim of my magazine, if it was real and available to students, is to give them what they want and more, and for each pupil to look forward to the next issue.
Creating these two pages will help me design and create my final music magazine pages, with the different uses of imagery and layout.

I feel that after doing this task that I would prefer not to use a DTP program, as it can be difficult to manipulate different aspects of the front cover and contents. I found it easier to use a photo manipulator to design the music magazine as I find it much easier to manipulate the design.

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