Tuesday 12 January 2010

Music Magazine Double Page Analysis

Q Magazine Double Page Spread

As I have found out from researching double page spreads to analyse, most tend to keep the writing to one side and the image to the other. The image above shows this. However the article goes across to the next pages so we do not know how it is continued.

A lot of articles are based around questions and answers, especially in an interview which is more likely because we are looking at music magazines where the institution of it wants to give readers the up to date gossip on key figures that industry. However we do have to take into account that there are articles in music magazines which are not to the question and answer format but more as an informative piece or a debating one. Like the article above is more of an information piece or as it may be termed 'inside scoop', as it is a little like a gossip magazine sometimes as it is more of what has happened which may be unrelated to music.

The font used for the features headline is usually in a different font that makes it stand out. Also the serif font relates to the type of music the article is about. For instance like this one where it's about a contemporary music band the serif font is quirky and modern. Whereas if the music magazine was for rock music the serif font would take on a more gothic style.

The information on the band is all kept to the same font however there are changes in this when they put some larger quotes underneath the picture. These are little quotes from further in the text that they will not have got to if they are reading the article in order; this may entice them to continue reading.

The colours that have been chosen interlink with each other as the band members are all wearing black clothing. The headline uses these colours to tie it all in.

The picture of the band has been taken as a long shot. This means that the whole of someone’s body is viewable. Using a long shot gives the reader a sense that the band is dominant in a sense that their music is known world wide and reinforces the importance of this feature being about them.

I think this double page spread gives of a modern feel relatable to the magazine and the band it has interviewed. I think the use of serif font and colour work really well with the modernistic view as well.

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