Wednesday 13 January 2010

Music Magazine Front Cover Plan

Original Front Cover Plan

This is my original plan for my front cover is my black and white music magazine front cover design. I feel this is an effective design as the logo is big and bold and will stand out over the rest of the text. Also, the main image will be big and focused in the centre of the cover with the smaller text running down the side and middle of the image, this is common with most magazines which I have noticed in my research of front covers. Another norm is that there will be a slogan to the bottom of the masthead which is catchy and reflects the magazine. Another norm for a magazine is to include a form of competition or free gift inside the magazine; this is used as a way to gain interest in the magazine. Other essentials will be the bar code and price. I will look at various colour designs for this to see which one is most eye-catching and relevant to the genre of music while keeping it to a strict colour scheme.

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