Saturday 10 April 2010

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

With my magazine being based on music, one media institution which could distribute my magazine is Bauer Media Group. This is because the company distributes several successful music magazines such as Q along with many other magazines. This institution may be looking to reach alternative age groups as the majority of music magazines focus on adults. My magazine is aimed at students and could be exactly what the company is looking for. Bauer Media Group could also market my magazine involving the internet which will interest younger audiences. This cross media advertising will benefit the institution as this is one very popular area of the market, which is easy to target and spread the word advertising the magazine. Bauer is known to market their products further using such areas as radio and television. They do this using television and radio stations for some of their magazines. This is also a successful way of targeting the teenage audience.
Bauer webpage URL:

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